These top 20 social platforms have billions of daily users.

Social Networking & Online Reputation Management

Protect your business! Today, anyone can go online and write a public review of your business, so it’s important to keep abreast of all activity on your public profiles – even if you don’t know that they exist!


Bad reviews can cost you a lot of money!

If you do ever receive a bad review on one of your public business profiles, you should respond to it, politely. There are situations where a negative review can be appealed and removed, though removal requests have limiting circumstances such as spam, disgruntled employees, conflicts of interest, profanity, harassment, discrimination, disclosing personal information, or for simply being unhelpful. You can and should report those violations.
Let us help you ensure these accounts are used properly for what they’re intended for – customer service. Cherry Pixel staff can assist you with responding to and maintaining your public profiles, which we’ll also use to help establish and maintain your online credibility with search engines.

Email us or call for a free consultation 503-391-4801